Experimental Gasification of Coffee Husk Using Pure Oxygen-Steam Blends

Javier Bonilla, Gerardo Gordillo, Carlos Cantor
2019 Frontiers in Energy Research  
This work discusses results on temperature profile, syngas composition, High Heating Value, and efficiency of a Coffee Husk counter-current fixed-bed gasification process, in which oxygen-steam blends were used as an oxidizing agent. The experimentation was carried out for various Equivalence Ratios (ER) and Steam-Fuel Ratios (SF), whose ranges were [1.6-5.6] and [0.4-0.8], respectively. The results show that increased steam (higher steam fuel ratios) improves the H 2 /CO molar ratio i.e., for
more » ... constant ER = 3.7 and SF at 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8, the H 2 /CO ratio was 1.2, 1.4, and 1.8, respectively. Also, the addition of steam tends to increase the syngas Higher Heating Value, which ranged between 7,714 kJ/m 3 at ER = 1.6 and SF = 0.4 and 8,841 kJ/m 3 at ER = 3.2 and SF = 0.8. On the other hand, increased ER (lower oxygen) decreases the Net Cold Gasification Efficiency (CGE NET ) which was between 53% at ER = 5.6 and SF = 0.6 and 82% at ER = 1.6 and SF = 0.4. Results were also compared to results published before for gasification of the same biomass but using air-steam mixtures for partial oxidation. This comparison shows that the use of oxygen increases both the temperature profile in the bed and the yield of CO and H 2 contained in the syngas.
doi:10.3389/fenrg.2019.00127 fatcat:zx2nrx5o7vdprhysazgv54hbua