Structural Characterization of Doped Thick Gainnas Layers - Ambiguities and Challenges

Damian Pucicki, Katarzyna Bielak, Beata Ściana, Wojciech Dawidowski, Karolina Żelazna, Jarosław Serafińczuk, Jaroslav Kováč, Andrej Vincze, Łukasz Gelczuk, Piotr Dłużewski
2014 Journal of Electrical Engineering  
GaInNAs alloys are mostly used as an active part of light sources for long wavelength telecom applications. Beside this, these materials are used as thin quantum wells (QWs), and a need is to grow thick layers of such semiconductor alloys for photodetectors and photovoltaic cells applications. However, structural characterization of the GaInNAs layers is hindered by non-homogeneity of the In and N distributions along the layer. In this work the challenges of the structural characterization of
more » ... ped thick GaInNAs layers grown by atmospheric pressure metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (APMOVPE) will be presented
doi:10.2478/jee-2014-0048 fatcat:y2etb5ymebc2ni4s4sgcjd7pgm