Book Department

1908 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science  
This is an annotated and indexed edition of the state constitution. The instrument is well analyzed so that the provisions on any subject can be found at once. A tabulation of this sort is especially important in this constitution, which, from its length, becomes almost a brief code. Officials as well as laymen will find this book both convenient and comprehensive. , the famous London evangelist, is intended to show what latent power there is in most Christian churches, and what can be
more » ... hed by the churches in wisely combining their efforts for the common good. The story is of a man who had not only the ability to understand present-day social conditions, but also the courage to embody them in his life's work. The story involves interesting characters and throughout is interwoven the truth that &dquolife grows by giving and gains by losing,&dquo-that he who serves his fellowman derives the most happiness out of life.
doi:10.1177/000271620803100319 fatcat:uqaqyeza6bhe5hpvmqdwxp2txi