Exergy and Energy Analysis of Wind-Thermal System

Nima Norouzi, Department of Energy Engineering and Physics, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran polytechnic), 424 Hafez Avenue, PO Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran
2021 Trends in Renewable Energy  
Current wind systems are intermittent and cannot be used as the baseload energy source. The research on the concept of wind power using direct thermal energy conversion and thermal energy storage, called wind powered Thermal Energy System (WTES), opened the door to a new energy system called Wind-thermal, which is a strategy for developing baseload wind power systems. The thermal energy is generated from the rotating energy directly at the top of the tower by the heat generator, which is a
more » ... e and light electric brake. The rest of the system is the same as the tower type concentrated solar power (CSP). This paper's results suggest that the energy and exergy performance of the WTES (62.5% and 29.8%) is comparable to that of conventional wind power, which must be supported by the backup thermal plants and grid enhancement. This cogeneration nature of the WTES system makes this system suitable for using wind power as a direct heat source in several heat-demanding processes such as chemical production. Also, the light heat generator reduces some issues of wind power, such as noise and vibration, which are two main bottlenecks of the wind power technology.
doi:10.17737/tre.2021.7.1.00131 fatcat:wurtqz4u2ngwjbcl3kispxprnm