Tib And East Aisa Department At The Tib

Linna Lu
2017 Zenodo  
The "2017 International Conference on Integrated Development of Digital Publishing and Digital Libraries (CDPDL)" took place in Taiyuan from August 16-18,2017. This conference provides a platform for Chinese and foreign librarians, publishers and scholars to present the latest developments in Chinese library resources and technical innovations. In the early 1980s, with the growing interest in East Asia through research in academic and industrial fields, the TIB's Regional Department for East
more » ... a was founded as an independent unit. The aim of the acquisition of the Regional Unit is to provide materials that not only provide an overview of current developments in East Asia but also provide detailed, specialized information. In comparison to most Asian departments of other libraries, the TIB's East Asia collection focuses not on Asian linguistics and humanities, but on modern literature in the field of technology and natural sciences. In order to reflect on the current state of research in East Asia and to communicate research and industry, our acquisition focuses on modern periodicals, academic journals and series from scientific and technical associations, reports from universities and research institutes. Exactly these special features were presented to the participants at this year's CDPDL. Many of our colleagues in the branch could thus get to know the TIB and the regional department better, especially in the country and the geographical area in which we have placed one of our main focuses of collection.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1045841 fatcat:chtbbxweifennj4etxizyk777u