Design of a leaf-shaped bowtie slot antenna electromagnetically fed by a microstrip line

Manabu Yamamoto, Toshio Nojima
2014 2014 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Conference Proceedings  
This paper presents a design of a wideband printed antenna being useful for ultra-wideband applications. In the designed antenna that operates over the frequency band of 7-10 GHz, a leaf-shaped bowtie slot antenna (LSBSA) is employed as a radiating element, and electromagnetic coupling feed based on a microstrip line is adopted for the excitation of the radiating element. In order to demonstrate the effective performance of the presented configuration, characteristics of the designed LSBSA are
more » ... valuated by the finite-difference time domain (FDTD) analysis. Over the above-mentioned frequency band, the simulated reflection coefficient is observed to be less than -10 dB, and the maximum actual gain of 7.5 dBi is obtained. Measured results are also presented in order to validate the simulated results. Index Terms -printed antenna, wideband antenna, UWB, slot antenna, electromagnetic coupling feed.
doi:10.1109/isanp.2014.7026630 fatcat:bgotmrvla5gzpb6dy23rz6cfs4