From Static to Dynamic Fault Retention Potential Evaluation – A New Approach

J. Talandier, F. Skoczylas, B.M. Krooss, M. Prat
2009 2nd EAGE International Conference on Fault and Top Seals - From Pore to Basin Scale 2009   unpublished
In exploration the classical analysis of the retention potential of a fault zone in hydrostatic domain integrates a geometrical analysis (relay zone/segmentation), a reservoir juxtaposition study, a fault rock properties description and a re-activation tendency. The evaluation of the maximum hydrocarbon column height retention is performed at the present time using the fault entry pressure. In overpressure domain the fault entry pressure can not be used. There is a necessity to use a more
more » ... c approach: the fault zone permeability. Furthermore a fault zone evolves through time: fault initiation, fault sliding, fault burial, fault reactivation. And during this "life" its impact on fluid flow varies. The characterization of the fault zone permeability through time is so necessary. As several parameters can modify the fault zone permeability (temperature, pressure, stress, diagenesis) a complete understanding of the fault zone permeability through time is needed. To evaluate these parameters evolution through time our current work integrates a combination of outcrops description, geomechanical experimentation and basin modelling.
doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20147155 fatcat:bsouxu7t7ffolepjxlwvatm4xi