Spoken dialogue interpretation with the DOP model

Rens Bod
1998 Proceedings of the 36th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics -  
We show how the DOP model can be used for fast and robust processing of spoken input in a practical spoken dialogue system called OVIS. OVIS, Openbaar Vervoer Informatie Systeem ("Public Transport Information System"), is a Dutch spoken language information system which operates over ordinary telephone lines. The prototype system is the immediate goal of the NWO 1 Priority Programme "Language and Speech Technology". In this paper, we extend the original DOP model to context-sensitive
more » ... ion of spoken input. The system we describe uses the OVIS corpus (10,000 trees enriched with compositional semantics) to compute from an input word-graph the best utterance together with its meaning. Dialogue context is taken into account by dividing up the OVIS corpus into context-dependent subcorpora. Each system question triggers a subcorpus by which the user answer is analyzed and interpreted. Our experiments indicate that the context-sensitive DOP model obtains better accuracy than the original model, allowing for fast and robust processing of spoken input.
doi:10.3115/980845.980868 dblp:conf/acl/Bod98 fatcat:vea5k7shindoxpyygsknw5dycm