Nephrotoxicity and Hepatotoxicity of Capparis Spinosahydro-Alcoholic Extract in Mice

Mohammad Taher Boroushaki
2017 JOJ Urology & Nephrology  
Caper (Capparis Spinosa) plant extracts have been related with different pharmacological activities including antihistaminic, anti-oxidant, hypolipidemic, and anti-mutagenic. Nevertheless, its side-effects are not yet studied especially nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity. So, the point of this study was to examine the acute and sub-chronic toxicity of hydro-alcoholic extract of the Capparis spinosa on the liver, kidney, and serum enzymes. Methods and Materials: In the experimental design,
more » ... two male mice were randomly isolated into four groups of one control and three experimental. The doses of 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg of hydro-alcoholic extract of Capparis spinosa were administrated by oral gavages for 28 consecutive days in mice. Normal saline, 5ml/kg was given to the control group. Each group contained 8 male mice. at 14 th day, for half of each group and at 28 th day for the rest of them, serum samples were collected for liver function tests (ALT, AST) and renal function tests (BUN, Cr). The livers and kidneys were isolated for histopathological and biochemical studies. Results: The results of this study have shown that Capparis spinosa can cause nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity especially during subchronic consumption, dose-dependently. Conclusion: The extracts of Capparis spinosa must be used with caution especially in renal and liver pathologic conditions. However, the reasons and mechanisms of this toxicity need further investigation.
doi:10.19080/jojun.2017.04.555638 fatcat:k5k2m5k3rzbrtabnx6jliauxcy