One Case of Forensic Clinical Identification of Ulnar Radius Fracture not Involving Epiphysis

Dawei Jiang, Yujun Zhou
2020 Journal of Clinical Medicine Research  
In order to investigate the relationship between injury and injury of the identified person, to determine the real disability of the identified person, to determine whether the fracture of ulna and radius of the identified person is involved in the epiphysis, and to be commissioned by the court, the identified person is specially re-identified. According to the contents and methods of the Technical Specification for Forensic Identification (SF/ZJD0103003-2011) of the Ministry of Justice, the
more » ... ensic clinical examination was conducted. After consulting the case data and conducting the forensic clinical examination of the identified person, this appraisal concluded that the left ulna and radius broken line of the patient disappeared, the epiphyseal plate was clear, and there was no deformity, and the disability grade was not constructed according to the provisions of the Classification of the degree of disability caused by human injury.
doi:10.32629/jcmr.v1i1.108 fatcat:e7stbdgy7nffvfzmccyv2xs3qe