Graphs That Do Not Contain a Cycle with a Node That Has at Least Two Neighbors on It

Pierre Aboulker, Marko Radovanović, Nicolas Trotignon, Kristina Vušković
2012 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics  
We recall several known results about minimally 2-connected graphs, and show that they all follow from a decomposition theorem. Starting from an analogy with critically 2-connected graphs, we give structural characterizations of the classes of graphs that do not contain as a subgraph and as an induced subgraph, a cycle with a node that has at least two neighbors on the cycle. From these characterizations we get polynomial time recognition algorithms for these classes, as well as polynomial time algorithms for vertex-coloring and edge-coloring.
doi:10.1137/11084933x fatcat:jfcxnbrk6zfa7nqx7gcuqt6rze