Comparative evaluation of whole blood D-dimer test to plasma D-dimer test for diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation

P K Gupta, M Gupta, T Chatterjee, R Saxena
2005 Indian journal of experimental biology  
Three rapid D-dimer test methods were compared for the diagnosis of acute disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). These were (a) SimpliRED, an autologous red cell agglutination assay. (b) DIMERTEST latex agglutination assay, containing monoclonal antibody DD-3B6/22(6), and (c) D-DI latex agglutination assay containing mouse anti-human D-dimer monoclonal antibodies. The D-DI latex method having higher sensitivity (100%) and specificity (81%) in clinically acute DIC was postulated as the
more » ... d standard and compared with the other two methods. The results suggest that D-DI latex agglutination assay containing mouse anti-human D-Dimer monoclonal antibodies are the better assay methods amongst all the three kits analyzed. It is advisable to look for the nature of the antibody used to coat the latex particles in plasma based kits. In emergency setting RBC kits may be of some use as rapid diagnosis is advantageous.
pmid:15875726 fatcat:kjp6yxo2fbdvxnhboguxi2jkje