Determination of N,N-Dimethylformamide in Water and Sediment by Solid Phase Extraction-GC/MS

Tsuyoshi IBARAKI, Hideko MITOBE, Kuniaki KAWATA, Masaaki SAKAI
1999 Journal of Environmental Chemistry  
A solid phase extraction -GC/MS method was applied to determination of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) in water and sediment. Five hundred milliliters of water samples, spiked with DMF-d7, are passed through a C18 cartridge and two active carbon cartridges in series. DMF absorbed on the active carbon cartridges is eluted with 3m e of methanol. The eluate is concentrated to 0.5ml and then added 4.5ml of ethyl acetate. After dehydration with anhydrous sodium sulfate, the eluent is concentrated to 1ml and determined by GC/MS.
doi:10.5985/jec.9.407 fatcat:bngofalcevh2hag3cukqgykw5y