Social and municipal influences on intention to purchase electric and hybrid electric vehicles in London Ontario, CA

Jordan Fuller, Jamie Baxter, Jamie Skimming
2021 Canadian Planning and Policy / Aménagement et politique au Canada  
We conducted a case study in London, Ontario to identify factors that influence decisions to purchase low carbon vehicles including what role municipal governments might play in encouraging low carbon vehicle purchase decisions. As part of a city-university partnership, this study reports (n = 257) results from a mail-out survey. We test mainly whether social influences and mechanisms under municipal control predict intent to purchase electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV).
more » ... th proximal social influencers (family and friends) (.179**, .393**) and distal social influencers (.219**, .142*) predict intent to purchase EV and HEV respectively. City information sessions (.161** EV) and City promotion (.141* HEV) significantly influence intentions, while City-provided EV parking and charging are not. While municipalities may find other areas with greater impact on GHG reductions, the findings support promoting the social aspects of EV and HEV purchasing and providing relatively low-cost promotion/events.
doi:10.24908/cpp-apc.v2021i2.13928 fatcat:br7obg2su5dnffdu5p4c5ano4m