A Study on Space of Conversion Communication Method through Materials in Commercial Space - Focusing on Domestic and International Commercial Spaces in 2008~2012 -
상업공간에서 재료를 통한 공간의 컨버전 소통 방법 연구 - 2008~2012년 국내·외 상업공간을 중심으로 -

Ju-Yeon Ji, Ji-Eun Seo
2013 Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal  
Commercial spaces are very sensitive in terms of trend and uniqueness, and many elements expressing space coexist together with brilliant ideas aiming to attract consumer attention and even induce sudden desire of purchase. Coexistence in space is expressed in various ways and out of those ways, representation by material is especially apparent. The application of material does not individually influence the expression of space, but the characteristics of multiple materials applied contribute
more » ... the distinction of space through mutual communication. This study intends to analyze how conversion is centered to express the distinction of space through materials communicated in space. The detailed study results are as follows. First, the conversion expression method of material resulted as 'Substitution', 'Contrast', 'Assimilation', 'Creation'. These four was divided and analyzed into 'Time', 'Space', 'Genre'. As a result of this analysis, such significances were shown as 'Contrast' in 'Time', 'Substitution' in 'Space', and 'Assimilation' in 'Genre'. Second, the conflict due to heterogeneity by conversion of 'Contrast' in 'Time' through past and current materials appeared to induce interest amongst consumers. Third, within 'Space', 'Substitution' of natural/artificial materials was noticeably applied. This is evaluated as a constructive way of expressing natural forms into artificial forms further intending to provoke attention and stimulate emotion. Fourth, in conversion through 'Assimilation' in 'Genre', rather than using materials only from other areas, synchronizing it by combining architectural materials is an effective method. Such results are thought to be a distinctive design method that draws attention of customers by communicating disparate materials in commercial space. Thus, the study results are expected to be utilized as an elementary resource in designing commercial space with character and high satisfaction.
doi:10.14774/jkiid.2013.22.2.194 fatcat:5kggzpwqqbhbrp54yw4ox4yhsu