Diagnostics of Efficiency of an Enterprise's Export-import Activity

Lyudmyla Malyarets
2021 Montenegrin Journal of Economics  
Solving the problems of the efficiency of export-import activity remains relevant for all enterprises of different countries because, due to this, they enter the world economy and develop on a global scale. The article proposes the technology of diagnostics of objects in the economy, which contributes to the objectivity of the diagnosis of the enterprise's effectiveness of export-import activities and which consists of a sequence of information, analytical, and management blocks. Based on a
more » ... ical analysis of well-known scientists on the efficiency and effectiveness of export-import activities, five criteria for this efficiency have been proposed at the enterprise level. The formation of a rational management decision on the effectiveness of export-import activities involves a diagnostic procedure that uses integrated indicators of Harrington's quality, with the transformation functions of the criteria proposed to modify to take into account the numerical characteristics of their distribution laws. For an objective diagnosis of efficiency, it is necessary to have standards of criteria that reflect the regular operation of the enterprise. The article proposes to form standards of criteria, taking into account the forecast and optimal values. Due to deviations of real values of criteria from reference establishes the diagnosis of efficiency level. To determine the predicted values of the criteria, it is sufficient to calculate the equations of the growth curves, and to choose the optimal values of the requirements, it is recommended to determine the dependence of the general level of efficiency on these criteria. Calculations on real enterprise data have shown that these dependencies are nonlinear functions. For a specific enterprise in the nonlinear optimization problem, there is a limited region of values change of efficiency criteria of export-import activity. The optimal values of efficiency criteria are of great importance both in diagnostics and in management in general.
doi:10.14254/1800-5845/2021.17-1.5 fatcat:ss6enlqzcbeonnagqgqdumzroa