The Concept Of Fate In The Fantastic Stories By A.E. Van Vogt And E. Mayne Hull

Yana Gryshchenko
2016 Zenodo  
The primary focus of the recent investigations in the sphere of cognitive linguistics is concentrated on the study of concepts. Taking into account the fact that the meaning of the concept is closely dependent on the context, subtext and individual cultural experience of the person, we decided to investigate concepts in linguistic pictures of the world. The main purpose of our research is to study the concept sphere of FATE in the American picture of the world. The material of the research is
more » ... e fantastic stories by A. E. van Vogt and E. Mayne Hull. It must be emphasized that we associate these fantastic stories with the quintessence of American science-fiction literature. The tasks of the investigation are to outline the main specific approaches to the problem, to make analyses of the synonymous line of the concept of FATE and to form the concept sphere of FATE in terms of their characteristics. The synonymous line of the concept FATE is presented by such words as destiny, doom, lot and future. The meaning of the synonyms has polar connotations. It should be noted that the aforesaid synonymous line is limited by the material of the investigation and can be lengthened within the context of other works of American science fiction literature.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1067136 fatcat:7xi7eox3abandj2durtjszse2i