Digital Forensic Investigation of MongoDB
MongoDB에 대한 디지털 포렌식 조사 기법 연구

Jong-Seong Yoon, Doo-Won Jung, Chul-Hoon Kang, Sang-Jin Lee
2014 Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology  
As the data gets bigger recently, the demand for relational database management system (RDBMS) and NoSQL DBMS to process big data has been increased consistently. The digital forensic investigation method for RDBMS has been studied actively, but that for NoSQL DBMS, which is popularly used nowadays, has almost no research. This paper proposes the digital forensic investigation process and method for MongoDB, the most popularly used among NoSQL DBMS.
doi:10.13089/jkiisc.2014.24.1.123 fatcat:qu6a3p7eejdongq3ee5ytcwycq