Models of Development and Management of Brazilian University Sports: An Interpretation according to its Relationship with the State

Fernando Augusto Starepravo, Juliano de Souza, Wanderley Marchi Júnior
2013 Physical Culture and Sport: Studies and Research  
The present study is intended to discuss the way in which the state is constituted as a major element for the management of Brazilian university teams, pointing out, above all, the most recent moment that represents a hybrid model of development. To do so, empirical resources of research has been used: 1. Documents that belong to the file of the FPDU (an institution in the state of Paraná which is in charge of university teams), 2. The existing legislation on the theme, 3. Interviews with some
more » ... f the agents who took part in the FPDU as members of the directory board throughout its history. It has been concluded that the state is directly responsible for the development of university sports in Brazil, mainly because between them there is an inter-dependence relationship through the financial support of sports.
doi:10.2478/pcssr-2013-0001 fatcat:qchf6jsodvanbbwqyphtucnybe