Oktaviastuti Awalia Fajrin
2018 Pedagogi Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan  
Changes that occur today is akbiat of shifting children's activities in play, nowadays children prefer to play using digital games such as playing games online in cybercaf� or on the phone. Traditional games are increasingly displaced and forgotten by the increasingly modern and sophisticated technology. Yet the impact of playing video games is very alarming, causing the learning achievement of children to decline, making children forget everything, and a more severe to make children fall into
more » ... rime. For that traditional game must be returned again because it can cause positive impact for children, and meciptakan the next generation of the nation with superior character.Keywords: online games addiction, traditional child games, character formation
doi:10.24036/fip.100.v18i1.291.000-000 fatcat:swjagqzewbemxfmidgihab4zzi