A hardware/software codesign method for pipelined instruction set processor using adaptive database

Nguyen Ngoc Binh, Masaharu Imai, Akichika Shiomi, Nobuyuki Hikichi
1995 Proceedings of the 1995 conference on Asia Pacific design automation (CD-ROM) - ASP-DAC '95  
Abstract| This paper proposes a new method to design an optimal pipelined instruction set processor using a formal HW/SW codesign methodology. First, a HW/SW partitioning algorithm for selecting an optimal pipelined architecture is introduced briey. Then, an adaptive database approach is presented that enables to enhance the optimality o f t h e design through very accurate estimation of the performance of a pipelined ASIP in HW/SW partitioning. The experimental results show that the proposed methods are eective and ecient.
doi:10.1145/224818.224845 dblp:conf/aspdac/BinhISH95 fatcat:bqunsqrgsnh27idmgjr2p3djxq