A verifiable protocol for arguing about rejections in negotiation

Jelle van Veenen, Henry Prakken
2005 Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems - AAMAS '05  
One form of argument-based negotiation is when agents argue about why an offer was rejected. If an agent can state a reason for a rejection of an offer, the negotiation process may become more efficient since the other agent can take this reason into account when making new offers. Also, if a reason for rejection can be disputed, the negotiation process may be of higher quality since flawed reasons may be revised as a result. This paper presents a formal protocol for negotiation in which
more » ... can be asked and given for rejections and in which agents can try to persuade each other that a reason is or is not acceptable. The protocol is modelled as a persuasion dialogue game embedded in a negotiation protocol. It has a social semantics since the protocol does not refer to the internal state of negotiating agents.
doi:10.1145/1082473.1082675 dblp:conf/atal/VeenenP05 fatcat:zfbpllmv3bccpmig7schxhx3ua