Hierarchical Neural Network for Real-time Medicine-bottle Classification
실시간 약통 분류를 위한 계층적 신경회로망

Jung-Joon Kim, Tae-Hun Kim, Gang-Soo Ryu, Dae-Sik Lee, Jong-Hak Lee, Kil-Houm Park
2013 Journal of Korean institute of intelligent systems  
In The matching algorithm for automatic packaging of drugs is essential to determine whether the canister can exactly refill the suitable medicine. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical neural network with the upper and lower layers which can perform real-time processing and classification of many types of medicine bottles to prevent accidental medicine disaster. A few number of low-dimensional feature vector are extracted from the label images presenting medicine-bottle information. By
more » ... the extracted feature vectors, the lower layer of MLP(Multi-layer Perceptron) neural networks is learned. Then, the output of the learned middle layer of the MLP is used as the input to the upper layer of the MLP learning. The proposed hierarchical neural network shows good classification performance and real-time operation in the test of up to 30 degrees rotated to the left and right images of 100 different medicine bottles.
doi:10.5391/jkiis.2013.23.3.226 fatcat:t5w67iqpmrh6tgwlwtr3t6u7rq