Case study: Geological study of the earth(Research and information)

Yasuaki MURATA
1998 The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association  
Geological lnformation Center. Geologica ]Su τvey of Japan( 1 − 3 , Higashi 1、 Tsukuba . shi . Ibaraki 305 − 8567) } Abstract :Geology , geophysics and geochemistry are 亡 he sciences to e 】 ucidate subsurface structure and its history for 1⊃revention Qf disasters , mineral resQurces survey and el15 「 irGnl 丁1ental protection . Avas 亡 am ( ユunt of information has been accumulated , but on ] y a par 亡 of the information ishandled by computers in the geology The biggest reasorl is that a software
more » ... o handle a great variety ofthe ge ⊂ ,10gica !information is not yet developed for researchers . Keywords : Geo 】 ogy / i Geophysics !Geochemistry /Geographlca 巨 nforma しion system 〆 厂 database 一 236 一
doi:10.18919/jkg.48.4_233 fatcat:tc25tkb6vzaavjwyve6uckflfa