Observations on the survival and longevity of adult Culex mosquitoes fed with flowers of some nectar plants

Fumio Harada, Kiyoki Moriya, Tatsuo Yabe
1971 Medical Entomology and Zoology  
The segregation of the siphonal hair types was observed in the progenies which were pro − duced by the parent populations composed of type 5 − 50f the siphonal hair type in Cttlea : p4 」 iens molestz '∫ ( Tables 3 and 41. When the se ! ection progressed ;the frequency of typc 4 ・ 4 dccrcased ; tha 亡 of 5 − 4 fluctuated be ・ tween 11β and 44 . 5 % ; that f type 5− 5 increased ; and the types other than the above d三 d not oc − cur . Viability of the type 5 − 5 population decrcased so as not to yield the llth generation ,
doi:10.7601/mez.22.18 fatcat:glvsfo3s7fakdj5yfvaficv44y