Interpolation formulas for Balling´'s alcohol factors

Jan Šavel, Petr Košin, Adam Brož, Jakub Vlček
2020 Kvasny Prumysl  
The article deals with the interpolation of the Balling alcohol factors, given at isolated points in 1% (m/m) increments ranging from 1 to 30% in the Hrach table published in 1927. Interpolation was necessery for the calculation of real (RDF) or apparent (ADF) degree of attenuation, according to which optimal barley varieties were selected for beer production. Analytica EBC initially preferred ADF, although it also reported RDF, used by ASBC. According to ASBC, the Balling RDF is multiplied by
more » ... correction factor or calculated using a modified calculation formula. Both ways gave the same results and increased Balling RDF values by 1-2% m/m. Refractometry with a pocket digital refractometer set to °Bx allows beer analysis from a minimum sample volume.
doi:10.18832/kp2019.66.239 fatcat:ntxjhgicujhubgnn3sd73v7elq