27 The effectiveness of a targeted protein education intervention to increase protein intake in patients with coronary heart disease and low protein intake: A pilot randomised controlled trial

Emily James
2022 Abstracts   unpublished
Significance p value DASI METs 6.0 (1.8) 7.2 (1.7) 1.2 (0.8-1.6) P<0.001 ISWT (m) 397.3 (154.7) 467.0 (173.2) 69.7 (54.5-84.8) P<0.001 Conclusions Patients attending CR post-pandemic made significant improvements in both the DASI and ISWT. Correlations became stronger post programme, indicating patients may better self-evaluate physical performance after taking part in CR. DASI questionnaire may be a useful alternative outcome measure when F2F exercise testing is not an option. Future work
more » ... explore how to prescribe an exercise programme from this and what might represent a meaningful change in this outcome following CR 27
doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2022-bacpr.27 fatcat:5jihhl5lazebhdjhdi44obhhxe