Combination Therapy Of Sulphinpyrazone And Fibrinolytic Enhancing Agents In The Management Of Recurrent Thrombophlebitis In Behcet'S Disease

A Afifi
1981 Thrombosis and Haemostasis  
The efficacy of combined sulphinpyrazone and fibrinolytic enhancing drugs in preventing recurrences of superficial and deep thrombophlebitis in 15 patients with Behcet's disease was compared with that of fibrinolytic enhancing agents and placebo in a double blind crossover trial. Patients in the trial developed recurrent superficial and deep thrombophlebitis while on anticoagulants and immunosuppresive drugs. Analysis of the treatment results revealed that both protocols were virtually
more » ... t in controlling superficial thrombophlebitis as evidenced by reduction in the number of these episodes to 14% or less by either protocols. This contrasts with the wide difference in the response rate of the deep vein thrombosis in the two protocols, where 10 patients (66%) developed deep thrombotic episodes during therapy with placebo and fibrinolytic enhancing agents while only 3 (20%) developed these episodes during therapy with sulphinpyrazone and fibrinolytic enhancing agents. This statistically significant difference in response rate, (p<0.01) suggests that sulphinpyrazone is particularly effective in preventing recurrences of deep thrombophlebitis in Behcet's disease.
doi:10.1055/s-0038-1652474 fatcat:noh3o7issjhmlltu6tjsp7ixwu