Akademiske skrivesentres rolle i høyere utdanning

Cathinka Dahl Hambro, Torhild Larsen Skillingstad, Janine Tessem Strøm
2019 Uniped  
Akademiske skrivesentres rolle i høyere utdanning -en kartlegging av behovet for opplaering i akademisk skriving blant studenter ved en høyere utdanningsinstitusjon i Norge Abstract Literacy and academic writing receive increasingly more attention in Norwegian higher education, as recent research has demonstrated that students within the higher education system find academic writing challenging and express a desire for better instruction and follow-up on this aspect of their education. In this
more » ... rticle, we present results from a survey conducted in connection with a course in academic writing organised by an Academic Writing Centre at a faculty at a Norwegian higher education institution during the autumn of 2016. The primary purpose was to explore whether the students at the faculty felt confident with regard to academic writing, and on what aspects of
doi:10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2019-03-05 fatcat:gfus7loyc5gurkr2renwpslppy