Effect of cropping system induced shading on the grain yield and yield attributes of cowpea varieties intercropped with sorghum based systems in the Sudan savannah ecological zone of Nigeria

Y. Nuhu, F.B. Mukhtar, I. B. Mohammed, L.S. Abdu
2019 Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences  
Six cowpea varieties (IT98Kand IT99K-573-1-1) were intercropped arrangements (1C:1S, 2C:2S, Mixed crop and sole) in field experiments conducted at IITA Minjibir Farm and research farm of the Faculty of Agriculture Bayero University Kano located in the Sudan Savannah ecolog seasons. In the field, the experiment was laid in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant difference on cowpea cropping systems and variety on the yield and yield attributes.
more » ... Grain yield of cowpea was significantly higher at 2C:2S(663.0g) and sole (1323.8g) row arrangements in both seasons, the highest grain yield was obtained in one early variety IT97K 573-1-1(1060g), IT04K-227-4 (983.7g) and IT98K varieties. However, the late maturing variety and is considered to be susceptible to shading that among the growth characters, a significant number of branches recorded positive correlation with yield (r=0.38) and 100 grain weight (r=0.32).
doi:10.4314/bajopas.v11i1.48s fatcat:4cwpr2sckzectizs5tszjze3im