حراسة المقطع في الأبنية التحويلية (دراسة وصفية تحليلية)

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2017 مجلة کلية الاداب.جامعة المنصورة  
In a previous paper titled "Inaccessibility processes in the context of Arabic geminates" I posited a theoretical hypothesis which explains gemination as the autosegmental savior of empty syllables in a strict CV-model. Seeking evidence for this claim in phonological phenomena, I made the comparison between deletion, gemination, vowel syncope and assimilation examples in Modern Standard Arabic. Examining their deep structures has given proof that both consonantal and vocalic lengthenings take
more » ... ace when preceded by deletion which derives an empty syllable. Such deletion was restricted to syllables with an empty nucleus and contexts of identical vowels or consonants. Following the notions of Government Phonology, it has been concluded that deletion is regular in syllables of empty nuclei whether or not gemination is at stake; confirming that Arabic gemination applies in compensation for lost segments, and hence providing an alternative analysis -of geminate formation-to the explanation given by Arab grammarians. Likewise it can be shown that geminate vowels as well as geminate consonants are compensatory lengthened segments which entail the same processes and conditions, and proof has been given that they occur alternately in the same contexts. It has also been proven that a single empty category may not trigger gemination in Arabic.
doi:10.21608/artman.2017.147047 fatcat:2mtcipp7crc2bd5pfisgy72b6m