Pro-fibrillatory Effects of K[ATP] Channel Opener and the Action Potential Duration Restitution Kinetics in Isolated Swine Right Ventricle

Hui Nam Pak, Gyo Seung Hwang, Sang Chil Lee, Byung Soo Kim, Soo Jin Lee, Wan Joo Shim, Young Moo Ro, Young Hoon Kim
2004 Korean Circulation Journal  
and objectives:It remains to be defined how K[ATP] Channel Opener facilitates to induce ventricular arrhythmias. The purposes of this study are to assess the effects of K[ARP] Channel Opener, PCO400, on the action potential duration (APD) and APD restitution (APDR) kinetics, and their relationship with induction of ventricular tachycardia (VT)/fibrillation (VF), pro-fibrillatory effects. Materials and Methods:We recorded transmembrane potentials (TMPs) by microelectrode technique to explore the
more » ... effects of PCO400 in ninetecn isolated perfused swine right ventricles. TMPs were recorded on the endoeardial side at the concentrations 0 μM, 1 μM, 2.5 μM, 5 μM, 10 μM, and washed-out period (1 hour). Ventricular refractory periods were measured while scanning djastole with premature ventricular beats during pacing at the cycle length of 600 ms at each concentration. The maximal slopes (Smax) of APDR were calculated with the data of S1S2 pacing and VF. Results:PCO 400 reduced APD90 (208±76 ms to 41±9 ms during S1, p<0.001, 111±32 ms to 54±28 ms during VF, p<0.001). While PCO400 tended to increase Smax of APDR at the concentration of 1 μM (0.6 to 0.7 by S1S2, 2.3 to 3.0 during VF), it reduced Smax at higher concentrations (-0.01 by S1-S2, p<0.05;-1.1 during VF, p<0.01). The increment of PCO400 concentration was associated with facilitated VT/VF induction (24.4% to 100%, p<0.001). Spontaneous VF induction rate was the highest at 1 μM (38.5%) which resulted in the highest Smax. Conclustion:PCO 400 shows pro-fibrillatory effect by APD reduction and dynamic changes of Smax, Smax is closely related to spontancous induction of VT/VF, and APD90 shortening below 70 ms is critical for the maintenance of VT/VF. (Korean Circulation J 2004;34 (3) : 296-303) KEY WORDS:ATP sensitive potassium channel;Action potential duration;Restitution;Proarrhythmia. 서 론 심실세동은 급사의 가장 흔한 원인이다. 임상적인 관 찰에 따르면 심실세동은 심실빈맥이 선행하여 나타나는 것이 일반적이다.
doi:10.4070/kcj.2004.34.3.296 fatcat:fregqgvtvjbi7hful5rduvs2pi