Keratitis in Reindeer

Claes Rehbinder, Verena Glatthard
1977 Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica  
REHBINDER, CLAES and VERENA GLATTHARD: Keratitis in reindeer. Relation to bacterial infections. Aota vet. scand. 1977, 18, 54---04. -In forest reindeer of northern Sweden outbreaks of keratitis regularly appear in the height of summer in connection with marking of ,the calves. Jn forest reindeer conjunctiva} and corneal lesions, primarily due to foreign bodies and trauma, are found in abundance. In addition, large amounts of different baieteria are present in the conjunctiva} sacs of dinically
more » ... ealthy •as well as diseased animals. It is suggested that the abundance of bacteria and the conjunctiva} and corneal lesions primarily are a result of the herding conditions of the forest reindeer, and furthermore ,that they cooperate as etiological factors in the deyelopment of keratitis. re i n deer; bacteria I infections; k er at it is; eye 1 es ions.
doi:10.1186/bf03548465 fatcat:574y23yjjnbcxbfow4675khobi