Necrotic Hepatitis due to Clostridium perfringens Infection in Newly Hatched Broiler Chicks

Jun SASAKI, Masanobu GORYO, Manami MAKARA, Kenji NAKAMURA, Kosuke OKADA
2003 Journal of Veterinary Medical Science  
Multiple necrotic hepatitis lesions of 5 newly hatched broiler chicks in three flocks derived from two hatcheries were examined pathologically. The livers were brittle, and multiple yellowish or green foci were scattered on the surface and cut surface. The main histological finding was well demarcated multi-focal necrosis in the liver. Many Gram-positive large bacilli that reacted posit ively with polyclonal anti-Clostridium perfringens serum were observed in necrotic areas. KEY WORDS:
more » ... um perfringens, necrotic hepatitis, newly hatched chick.
doi:10.1292/jvms.65.1249 pmid:14665757 fatcat:hyizpgeqaveprilc2dsvx4aqs4