Efficient solution of linear matrix equations with application to multistatic antenna array processing

Hanoch Lev-Ari
2005 Communications in Information and Systems  
We present a computationally-efficient matrix-vector expression for the solution of a matrix linear least squares problem that arises in multistatic antenna array processing. Our derivation relies on an explicit new relation between Kronecker, Khatri-Rao and Schur-Hadamard matrix products, which involves a selection matrix (i.e., a subset of the columns of a permutation matrix). Moreover, we show that the same selection matrix also relates the vectorization-by-columns operator to the diagonal
more » ... traction operator, which plays a central role in our computationallyefficient solution.
doi:10.4310/cis.2005.v5.n1.a5 fatcat:57iunhekjvgyblpzfqbbmsw5qm