الإعلانات السردیة عبر الإنترنت وتأثیرها على مشارکة مستخدمی Facebook ( باللغة الانجلیزیة)

ریهام عادل حسن سید, هبة حسن صادق, ندى عادل عطیه
2018 مجلة کلیة التجارة للبحوث العلمیة.جامعة الإسکندریة  
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of online narrative ads on Facebook users" engagement with the brand. Design/methodology/approach-This paper is using a mixed methodology, 400 Questionnaires, electronically distributed to collect and analyse active Facebook users" responses and evaluate their engagement with five online narrative ads for different brands from different industries. The survey included links to five suggested ads that were selected based on best Egyptian
more » ... Facebook Ads ranked in 2018, followed by a set of questions testing the main dimensions of the study after viewing the ads. Focus groups were conducted before the quantitative phase to select the Facebook narrative advertisements. Participants first selected one of the advertisement links of a brand that they would seriously consider purchasing, and then answered the survey. Findings-The results of our paper showed structuring online narrative ads for Facebook depends on four main dimensions ,online interactivity, entertainment elements of the ad , vividness, self-referencing, which will consequently affect Facebook users" engagement. It was found, that there is a relationship between all dimensions as well as significant impact on increasing online user" engagement with the brand. Originality/value The main contribution of this paper is studying the Egyptian online narrative ads" significant dimensions and how it can engage Facebook users" with brands, thus affects their intentions to purchase. The empirical evidence suggests that if brands properly designed their online ads targeting Facebook users, they can fully utilise social media platforms to maximize their consumers" engagement more than traditional forms of media.
doi:10.21608/acj.2018.36286 fatcat:tsstdf2m5zhddgb6rs5b3aewny