Evaluation of Aliphatic and Aromatic Compounds Degradation by Indigenous Bacteria Isolated from Soil Contaminated with Petroleum

Farhad Gilavand, Gholamhossein Ebrahimipour, Maryam Karkhane, Abdolrazagh Marzban
2015 Muhandisī-i Bihdāsht-i Muḥīṭ  
The major of this study was to isolate oil-degrading bacteria from soil contaminated with petroleum and examining the removal of hydrocarbons by these bacteria. Methods: Oil-degrading colonies were purified from the samples obtained of around Ahvaz oil wells. Organic matter degradation was investigated with 1 g of crude oil in basal salt medium (BSM) as sole carbon source. The growth rate was determined through total protein assay and hydrocarbon consuming was measured through organic carbon
more » ... dation and titration by dichromate as oxidizing agent. Results: Two potential isolates named S1 and S2 strains were screened and identified as Planococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. As results for S1 and S2 could degrade 80.86 and 65.6% of olive oil, 59.6 and 35.33 of crude oil, while 32 and 26.15 % of coal tar were consumed during 14 days incubation. Conclusion: The results of this investigation showed these indigenous strains high capability to biodegradation at short time and are desirable alternatives for treatment of oil pollutants.
doi:10.18869/acadpub.jehe.3.1.42 fatcat:ac4rvbv5nra3rotpnrk34xfvp4