Optimal Design of 1200 kV UHV AC Transmission Lines in India using Newly Developed Standalone MATLAB GUI

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
Owing to tremendous growth in requirement of electrical power in the country, technological advancement in transmission systems is essential for transmission of bulk amount of power over long distances. Deciding value of corridor width for transmission lines are greatly influenced by magnitudes of electric and magnetic fields along its length. The precise evaluation of the electromagnetic fields and effects of corona like Radio Interference and Audible Noise generated by overhead transmission
more » ... nes are thus of greater interest. This paper presents implementation of a novel GUI based technique to compute the fields generated by power transmission lines using three dimensional techniques. Actual case of Ultra High Voltage AC (UHVAC) line is considered for study. Transmission lines are analyzed by using newly developed software that facilitates computation and plotting of electromagnetic fields and corona effects in 3D coordinates. MATLAB is used as platform for development of GUI based software to analyze the fields along the entire length of transmission lines under study. It uses concept of charge simulation method (CSM) along with most fundamental Maxwell's potential coefficient theory and 3D integration techniques.
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b3820.078219 fatcat:fhv4s6gtzrhvjlbax3df7p26we