Use of Interactive Computer Graphics to Solve Complex Geological Problems--A Case Study: ABSTRACT

Louis J. Klahn, Jr., John H. Doveto
1982 American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin  
1705 The application of software centers around a unified data management system and is extremely menu oriented, allowing easy use by personnel unfamiliar with computers. Applications software serves to assist in data acquisition, quality control, and computation for both seismic processing and interpretation. These applications include handling of such data as geometry, velochies, and muting, as well as geologic applications such as digitizing horizons, storing and plotting regional data, and digitizing and processing well log data.
doi:10.1306/03b5ab60-16d1-11d7-8645000102c1865d fatcat:cz44sm2twrgkxjyvu2h4pkzu7e