"I hope this goes somewhere": Evaluation of an online discussion group

Wendy McKenzie, David Murphy
2000 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology  
<span>This article outlines the application of a particular model of content analysis (Henri, 1992; 1993) to the evaluation of an online discussion group. The discussion group was part of the learning environment for a subject of the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education offered by the Centre for Higher Education at Monash University, Australia. Henri's model focuses on the level of participation and interaction in the discussion group, as well analysing the content of the messages according
more » ... to a cognitive view of learning. Overall, the analysis confirmed the success of the discussion group, and provided a useful conceptual lens with which to study the online environment.</span>
doi:10.14742/ajet.1835 fatcat:6sds4yrtzvexndtfunmehc4bju