Low Level Laser Therapy on Treating Hair Loss

Rabab R Ibrahim, Gozde Ulutagay
2020 International journal of computer science and mobile computing  
male pattern hair loss (MPHL) and female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is one of the most important modern problems. Low-level laser shows its ability for hair regrowth. In this article, we will talk about the laser light such as its types and its effects on tissues and present some randomized experiments that were performed on animals and others on humans of both sexes to determine their response to the treatment through the evidence-based medicine,We also present the latest discoveries such as the
more » ... use of laser in the house, which is currently attached to the laser hat and we presented one of the experiments that were carried out using this device on groups of men and women. Keywords: Evidence-based medicine, female pattern hair loss (FPHL), Hair regrowth, male pattern hair loss (MPHL), low level laser therapy (LLLT).
doi:10.47760/ijcsmc.2020.v09i09.013 fatcat:7apnmu2v5veyxbugad5omewujy