Embedded Based System For The Study Of Heats Of Mixing Of Binary Liquid Mixtures

P Sushama, K Malakondaiah, C Nagaraja
Studies of heats of reactions of binary liquid mixtures are given a considerable importance in understanding the nature of molecular interactions. Such studies mainly help to know the enthalpies of liquid mixtures. The present study deals with design of a simple embedded based system for measuring heat of mixing of binary liquid mixtures. The system consists of two units, cell assembly and data acquisition system. One of the components of the binary mixture is taken into the cell, other
more » ... t is injected in to the cell through appropriate mechanical arrangement. The reaction on mixing causes the thermal changes which are sensed by the thermal sensor, that can be measured up to 10-4o C. The entire unit is interfaced to LPC 2366 ARM based controller (A less power consumption device made by philips). The ARM controller sends the data to the Personal Computer through the serial port and software is developed to calculate enthalpy values. A comparison of the results obtained with the literature data showed good agreement. The designed system can be used as an alternative for the measuring heats of mixing of binary liquid mixtures. The paper deals with the design aspects both hardware and software features of the system. _______________________________________________________________________________________