Reviews and Notices of Books

1883 The Lancet  
A MEETING of this Society was held on the llth inst., Mr. T. Shadford Walker, President, in the chair. The customary conversazione at the opening meeting was limited this year to an exhibition of frozen sections of the human body and a collection of skulls and teeth from the Medical School. The former, prepared by Dr. Barrow and his assistant demonstrators, proved very attractive, for after being cut and hardened in spirit the sections had been allowed to dry slightly, and the various tissues
more » ... en coloured with oil paint. They were mounted in spirit in large basins with flat glass tops, and were fixed in tinted plaster-of-Paris, the result being very effective. Some of the sections had been sketched in water-colours by Mr. Dixon, a senior student, the structures being all lettered and named, and corresponding letters being placed on the same structures in the sections. When all are completed in this way they are to be put in the dissecting-room. The skulls and teeth had been collected and prepared by Mr. Paul for the dental
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)36141-5 fatcat:shn7tfke3jgwvelqo6pecy2np4