الرأي المخالف في التحکيم التجاري الدولي وأثره على مبدأ سرية المداولات "في ضوء آراء الفقه والقضاء والتشريعات الوطنية والدولية وقواعد مراکز التحکيم الدائمة

2017 مجلة جامعة جنوب الوادى الدولية للدراسات القانونية  
The arbitral award by majority or unanimous decision by national legislation and the rules of international arbitration institutions played a major role in bringing the issue of dissenting opinion into the arbitration award. The passing of the arbitral award by a majority of the members made the opportunity of an opposing opinion existing, Unanimously, indicates the existence of contrary opinions in the judgment.
doi:10.21608/kias.2017.158893 fatcat:uln4h6eilffcfkgnh4z22gw2s4