Octupole Moment as a Hidden Order Parameter in Orbitally Degenerate f-Electron Systems

Yoshio Kuramoto, Hiroaki Kusunose
2000 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan  
Possibility of a novel pseudo-scalar (octupole) order is studied theoretically for orbitally degenerate systems with strong spin-orbit coupling such as Ce_xLa_1-xB_6. It is discussed that coexistence of an octupole order parameter and antiferromagnetic fluctuation should lead to drastic softening of the elastic constant by a mode-mixing effect. Nonlinear coupling between dipole, quadrupole and octupole fluctuations is taken into account in terms of a Ginzburg-Landau-type functional which is derived microscopically through path integral.
doi:10.1143/jpsj.69.671 fatcat:pocwtzshi5f7bnuvckbh4ljglm