Measurement of single event effects in the 87C51 microcontroller

D.L. Oberg, J.L. Wert, E. Normand, J.D. Ness, P.P. Majewski, R.A. Kennerud
1993 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop  
This report presents the results of Single Event Effect (SEE) characterization testing of the Intel 87C51FC microcontroller for use in Space Station Freedom (SSF). The 87C51FC exhibited 4 types of SEE: RAM upset and three types of system errors, i.e., reset, latchup, and power cycle (a condition not correctable by the onboard watchdog timer). The microcontroller cross sections and response rates for these single event effects were determined. * * This work was supported by NASA/MSFC under
more » ... ct number NAS8-50000 for Space Station Freedom. stated may "overestimate the device upset rate by as much as an order of magnitude". Here, the predominance of RAM over registers allowed for useful device upset estimation. Preliminary testing of the 87C51FC was carried using the University of Washington Tandem Van de Graaff. (Reference [10] gives a brief description of the facility and procedures used there.) There, upset and latchup were observed as well as several new effects described in this report. Further testing was conducted at three separate facilities: a) the 88-inch cyclotron at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) for the heavy-ion tests, b) the Harvard Cyclotron Laboratory (HCL) for protons with energies of up to 148 MeV, c) the Tri-University Meson Facility (TRIUMF), for protons with energies of 200 MeV and 500 MeV.
doi:10.1109/redw.1993.700567 fatcat:u2b5rriexvd7zdyblnobvax7be