SP-0331: CT-based scores during head-neck IGRT: Deformation and density variations

M.L. Belli, C. Fiorino, G.M. Cattaneo, G. Rizzo
2013 Radiotherapy and Oncology  
S128 2 nd ESTRO Forum 2013 cardiopulmonary system, we hypothesize that the radiation dose delivered to the heart is likely to be an important contributor to the development of dyspnea, especially so in patients with cardiac comorbidity. Interestingly, while it has been shown that radiation to the heart increases the long-term risk of a cardiac event, insufficient research has been carried out on the short-term (3-6 months) effects of cardiac comorbidity and heart irradiation on the risk of
more » ... therapy-induced lung damage. Does the heart matter for RILT? Are there specific cardiac comorbidities associated with a higher probability of lung damage? Is there a short-term pulmonary effect from (excessive) heart irradiation? These research questions will be addressed in the talk, and recent promising evidence on this topic will be discussed. SP-0331 CT-based scores during head-neck IGRT: Deformation and density variations
doi:10.1016/s0167-8140(15)32637-2 fatcat:ad6ke3z5cvc2bpa5vj5cnvag7e