Evaluation of the monotonic and cyclic shear characteristics of compacted clinker ash

Michael Winter, Norimasa Yoshimoto
2016 Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication  
In this research single particle crushing tests were carried out on 6 samples of clinker ash in addition to a series of monotonic shear tests with various confining pressures at a degree of compaction of 100% in order to investigate the relationship between single particle strength and shear strength. Specimens with degrees of compaction of 85% and 90% were also tested under a confining pressure of 50kPa to investigate the effect of degree of compaction on shear strength. A series of
more » ... n tests with degrees of compaction between 85%~100% were also performed in order to investigate the liquefaction strength of clinker ash. Clinker ash is a crushable material with weaker particle strength compared with natural sands, although it displays higher shear strength, with the secant angle exceeding 45°at degrees of compaction over 95%. The average particle crushing stress gained from the single particle crushing tests showed a strong correlation to the residual secant angle gained from the monotonic shear tests, with residual strength increasing along with average crushing stress. It was found that he average crushing stress can be used to estimate the residual strength and in turn the peak strength of clinker ash. From the cyclic shear tests it was found that the liquefaction strength is also higher than that of natural sand and an increase in degree of compaction leads to a great increase in liquefaction strength.
doi:10.3208/jgssp.jpn-133 fatcat:abjllbvzpba5jdjvx246kz4jai