個別要素法による離散粒状体モデルの動的追跡法 : 2次元粒状体による簡易一面せん断試験の実施

脊黒 隆大, 板谷 知洋, 吉田 長行
The purpose of this paper is to simulate the advanced direct shear test by using Distinct Element Method (DEM). The advanced direct shear test is the shearing test suggested by Hajime Matsuoka. Compared with the ordinary direct shear test, when assuming the equal scale simulation this test allows to decrease the number of the particles required. During the analysis, it is confirmed that the shear stress curve declines drastically according to the stick-slip phenomenon. And it is also confirmed
more » ... hat the shear stress and the dilatancy curve vary as the initial position of the particles changes. This indicates that some contrivances are needed to prevent those irregularities. For this, the averaging is suggested in this paper. As a result, the advanced direct shear test is correctly simulated by using DEM. Furthermore, the characteristics of the 2-dimensional DEM simulation such as stick-slip phenomenon and the effect caused by the initial position of elements are revealed.
doi:10.15002/00008990 fatcat:ntez52iicram3dd45v5fi7a2h4