"A Precious Pearl." On Liturgical Development

Dominik Jurczak
2019 Roczniki Teologiczne  
A b s t r a c t . Every liturgy grows. The liturgy of the Order of Preachers was no exception. In the 1200s, the friars faced the necessity to revise their customs, texts, and rituals. On the one hand, this situation shows how diverse the 13 th -century Christianitas was, and on the other hand, it proved the presence of a desire for unity within the newly formed Order, a struggle to have all the members of the then-worldwide community pray according to the same form. The process leading to that
more » ... "liturgical consensus" needed by the Preachers back in the 1200s resembles the axioms of the liturgical renewal in the 20 th century. The article focuses on the history of the Dominican liturgical developments, highlighting the mindset of the 13th-century Friars Preachers facing changes in the area of prayer. In the context of debates surrounding the liturgy after Vatican II, the author provides a historical perspective in order to show similarities between both processes of liturgical renewal.
doi:10.18290/rt.2018.65.8-2en fatcat:tc2quualfvcerl7ta6foafkeaq